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Ukrainian Vice Minister of Health Pavlo Kovtonyuk visited XJTU to explore solid collaboration in medicine
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On May 12 afternoon, the Ukrainian Vice Minister of Health Pavlo Kovtonyuk headed a delegation to XJTU. Chairman Zhang Maizeng of University Board met the vice minister in Room 107, Science Hall.Vice President Yan Hong, Assistant President Chen Teng, Director Liang Li of Department of International Cooperation and Exchanges, and Dean Wang Youfa of XJTU Global Health Institute attended the meeting as well.

Chairman Zhang expressed his warm welcome to Vice Minister Pavlo Kovtonyuk to XJTU and Shaanxi province. He briefly introduced the natural and geographic landscape, culture, science and technology, and medical system in Shaanxi province and the history and disciplinary strength of XJTU etc.

Vice Minister Kovtonyuk showed his excitement to visit the province and XJTU. He was highly impressed with the rapid development and tremendous changes occurred during his visit to China. He further introduced the medical and health systems in Ukraine and called for immediate reforms to medical care. He said this laid a solid foundation for potential collaboration between the Chinese and Ukrainian medical practitioners and scholars. He was very dedicated to promoting collaborations in medical education and technological exchanges with the academic institutions in Shaanxi.

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