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Ecole Nationale Supérieure d'Arts et Métiers visited XJTU and signed agreement of joining UASR
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On April 6th, Laurent CHAMPANEY, the president of Ecole Nationale Supérieure d'Arts et Métiers(ENSAM)headed a delegation to visit XJTU and sign three agreements. President Wang Shuguo met the delegation in Room 107, Science hall. Vice President Xi Guang, deputy from International office, School of Materials Science and Engineering, School of Mechanical Engineering attended the meeting as well.

President Wang Shuguo welcomed President Laurent CHAMPANEYL first and then gave them a brief introduction about XJTU. XJTU in one comprehensive university located in Shaanxi and it is the C9 mumber. XJTU do wish to expand the cooperation between French Universities and us in students exchange, joint research and other domains.

President Laurent CHAMPANEY said it is his first visit to XJTU. XJTU is one of the most important partner of ENSAM and they do appreciate the partnership with XJTU. ENSAM also wanted to expand the cooperation between these two institutions.

Later on, the agreement of joining UASR and the agreement of Master double degree was signed by President Shuguo WANG and President Laurent CHAMPANEY.

After the meeting, President Laurent CHAMPANEY visited the State Key Laboratory in School of Materials Science and Engineering and School of Mechanical Engineering.

At 7 p.m, President Laurent CHAMPANEY gave a speech to introduce ENSAM to XJTU students at room 207, Science Hall.

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