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The Forum for Universities Presidents from Cross-strait, Hongkong and Macau Regions held in XJTU
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Known as the famous and classic activities of higher education cooperation and exchanges among Chinese mainland,Hong Kong, Macau Regionsand Taiwan, the Cross-strait (Hong Kong andMacau regions) Presidents Forum was held at XJTU onJuly 26th. 21 university presidents gathered in Xi’an, shared the development and frontier of higher education, exchanged the idea of first-class university and discipline construction, and discussed the talent nurturing and university development. Many of state and provincial leaders have participated in this forum, including Zhang Baowen,Vice Chairman of the NPC Standing Committee, Xu Hui, Vice Chairman of the Central Committee of China Democratic League, Wu Qianjin, Deputy Director of Shaanxi Provincial People's Congress Standing Committee, Zhang Daohong, Vice Governor of Shaanxi Province and Shao Xiangnong, Deputy Secretary General of Shaanxi Provincial People's Congress Standing Committee.

Zhou Hangyi, President of Taiwan Chengchi University, Peter Mathieson, President of Hong Kong University, Qiu Yong, President of Tsinghua University, Yang Panchi, President of Taiwan University, Zhao Wei, President of Macau University, Wang Shuguo, President of XJTU and Su Huizhen, President of Taiwan Cheng Kung University gave the keynote speeches during the forum.

Zhang Baowen, Vice Chairman of the NPC Standing Committee and Xu Hui, Vice Chairman of the Central Committee of China Democratic League joined in the discussion and shared their opinion on first-class university construction.

© Xi'an Jiaotong University  No.28, Xianning West Road, Xi'an, Shaanxi, 710049, P.R. China