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Invitaiton for the 2019 International 3D Printing & Design Competition


The 2019 International 3D Printing & Design Competition is co-organized by National Innovation Institute of Additive Manufacturing (NIIAM), the UASR Secretariat and the Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Arts et Métiers and HESAM Université in France. The announcement and the registration information will be given as the attachment.

Thank you very much for your support of the UASR Secretariat!

Attachment【2019 International 3D Printing & Design Competition (1).jpg已下载
Attachment【2019 International 3D Printing & Design Competition(2).jpg已下载
Attachment【Competition Rules and Guidance.pdf已下载
Attachment【2019 International 3D Printing & Design Competition3.jpg已下载

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