On 29thSeptember, 2021, theSecondLecture of theDean's Forum of the New Silk Road Law School Alliance(NSRLSA)was held online. Benjamin Porat delivered a lecture entitled “Rights-based Law vs Duties-based Law: The Contribution of Jewish Law to Modern Legal Discourse”.Professor Porat is the Director of the Matz Institute for Research in Jewish Law, and the vice Dean at the Faculty of Law, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem. TheLecture was hosted by Doctor Jianping Guo, Assistant Professor at School of Law, Xi’an Jiaotong University.
Professor Porat discussedthe Hohfeldian assumption of complete correlativity between rights and duties.He arguedthatrights-based legal world would presumably be significantly different from a legal world based upon duties.Heexamined theclassical and modern legal sources from the Western legal tradition, and compare them to Jewish law sources, which demonstrates atypical example of a duty-based legal system.
In the question section, staff and students from all over the world had in-depthdiscussionswith Professor Porat.
New Silk Road Law School Alliance(NSRLSA) was established on December 11, 2015.Itis one of the sub-alliances of the University Alliance of the Silk Road.