Following the success of UASR Virtual Summer Courses 2021, UASR Secretariat along with member universities and sub-alliances, will continue the endeavor this year, and roll out the UASR Virtual Summer Courses 2022 to provide high-quality international education resources for teachers and students of University Alliance of the Silk Road (UASR). The courses are open for free.
i. Duration
From June 27 to July 25, 2022
ii. Platform
The program is technically supported by International Knowledge Centre for Engineering Sciences and Technology under the Auspices of UNESCO (IKCEST). The majority of courses will be registered and accessed through IKCEST System, The process of participation (through IKCEST) includes following steps:
Register for an IKCEST account (open for registry from now on)

Please register only through this link. DO NOT register through other URLs.
Select the courses through the Verify Codes
Take the courses (June 27 to July 10, 2022)
Finish the survey and take the exam for each course
Get the E-certificate(applicable to courses learning exclusively on IKCEST )
iii. Teaching Faculties
Well-known experts and scholars around the world who focus on frontier and cutting-edge industry knowledge
iv. Course Information in details

v. Contact information
For enquiries about courses, please feel free to contact UASR Secretariat via
For enquires related to IKCEST platform, please contact Mr. Du via