The School of Hotel and Tourism Management(SHTM) and Global Engagement Office (GEO)of The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU) co-organize this Belt and Road conferencesession on Tourism and Hospitality lndustry to establish a platform for academic exchangeamong members of the Tourism Sub-Alliance under the University Alliance of the Silk Road(UASR). Please join us to reflect on trends and insights in tourism after the pandemic: to shareresearch findings and practices, and to envisage strategies to achieve sustainability,revitalization, and resilience. The Session is part of the lMPACT2023 Conference to be held at Hotel ICON and SHTM on 7-8 December 2023.
The session also serves as an inaugural meeting for the Tourism Sub-Alliance members tomap out the future activities. The current members of the Tourism Sub-Alliance are: TheHong Kong Polytechnic University (School of Hotel and Tourism Management), Xi'an JiaotongUniversity (School of Management), Al-Farabi Kazakh National University (RecreationalGeography and Tourism Department), Mae Fah Luang University (School of Management),and Chengdu University (School of Tourism and Culture Industry).
Other universities arewelcome to join this session and to express interest in joining the Tourism Sub-Alliancewhich aims to advance tourism development in the Silk Road countries by fostering strongcooperation among UASR members in tourism education and research, and inspiretourism industry by conducting relevant research and sharing the findings.
Read the poster below for more information: